1. Cultivating the intellectual frontier with fusion of science technology and culture Promotion of cultural and scientific research
- To intensify the role of our city pioneering intellectual frontier, through interactive cooperation between universities and research institutes
- To promote pleiotropic research on "world future" with cross-cutting cooperation among natural science, humanities and social science
- To enhance the frontier research on eco / energy, population / food / water problems, medical care / brain science for the academic research of sustainable society
- To enrich human resource within coordination among universities, research institutes and companies
- To flourish original Keihanna culture, we cherish to blend culture / academic research / science into the daily life, and to bloom education / study program enjoying intellectual learning

The 3rd Tokyo Forum held by International Institute for Advanced Studies. On the theme" Constructing sustainable society and science" (February 2015)
2. Motorizing open-innovation to the world Promotion of innovation
- Based on the open-innovation hub, we newly build up the integrated support system to produce and to direct projects for setting up academic research and innovation strategy, intellectual property, harmonizing the interests among stakeholders, and supporting field demonstrations for the industrialization activating scientific technology
- To tighten cooperation among Keihanna Open Innovation Center @ Kyoto (KICK) and incubation facilities, universities, and research institutes
- To strengthen the relations with local industries, we generate the network among local associations supporting innovative projects in Kansai for motorizing Kansai
- To enhance the international networking, we diligently invite proper international conferences and seminars interchanging and networking with foreign science parks
- To set up the circumstance accepting residences, education, job opportunity, employment on promotion inviting foreign schools, research institutes, and companies

Kyoto Smart-City Expo 2019 at the Keihanna open-innovation center @ Kyoto
3. Promoting the infrastructure for the future generation, producing smart life being ahead of the world City development
- To nurture new life style; smart life motorizing eco-system, energy, transportation and innovation with ICT advancing rapidly
- To raise our city's charm by utilizing historical cultural heritages and natural resources.
- To enhance our city's diversity, furthermore, we enforce to invite research institute leading the frontier business / academic field, and manufacturers playing the role to work research institute, and to enrich the function of the conventions supporting interchanging and networking.
- To enforce the extension of the major routes such as Route163, Route Yamate and Central-Yamato-Route, to improve access and network to the nation-wide infrastructure such as Shinkansen lines and major highways, Kansai international Airport(KIX), Kyoto, Osaka and Nara.
- To promote the Double Track Project of JR Katamachi line; Science City line and Nara line and to discuss about extending Kintetsu Keihanna line To develop the new transportation system improving mobility such as the ICT future system of the chain bus and car-sharing

To obtain smart life with ICT activated in various field
4. Constructing networking management system generating the synergetic effect City management
We produce the new cooperation with every facility joining equally, and with building up networking management system generating multiplier effect,
- Conference for creating new city playing the role of network hub in our city
- New cooperating system among the above three fields, promoting culture and science, city development and promoting innovation
- Establishing the system consolidating and transmitting information as the city management center